
Saturday, 12 September 2020

After emptying it the other day and washing out and placing it in the shed.

I placed some straw inside and then added some green stuff with the worms in, so going to add a bit more and cardboard on top and give it a drink just to damp it down a bit.

We had some rain lately so have not been outside to do any gardening or picking of Rhubarb which will be the last I think might get one more out of it.


Going to make some more comfrey tea later this week have some in the shed already, particularly good for all plants in your garden.

 container for making comfrey tea

Rhubarb last of the pickings for this year I think

I am freezing it at present have not made any jam this year.


Well I with David’s help have pulled some Golden Raspberries so we can put them in our garden and not still in our neighbour’s garden will take photos later


I did take some cuttings as well but on other camera so will upload later and did some root cuttings as well

I brought some tomato plants into the dog room yesterday hoping they will do better in there.


I am about to try and make a mint extract all you need is dried mint leaves and some vodka and you leave it to steep for 12 weeks then place into small bottles  and ideal Christmas gifts and you can use in cooking

Just placed an order with a lovely couple

Welsh Onions and a mystery plant

Just placed an order with Thomson and Morgan

Blackberry Lock Ness

Some daffodils and a butterfly bush and some

Seeds of Artichoke

Should be here in September


We managed to get some pallets for my compost bin I potted on 5 strawberry plants this morning and later some star bust plants  

We went to the local garden centra yesterday

New plants

Gooseberry (Invicta)

Blackberry ( Fruiticosus Chester T hornless )

Golden Raspberry (Idaeus Golden Everest)

Agastache (Giant Hyssop) x2


Lemon Balm

Marjoram (golden)

Lemon Grass


Lemon Verbena

I will be planting the herbs shortly

Into a small box once I put plastic in it


Well the weather has been nice for a change

And I wanted some things for a long time and the postman turn up with them the other day





So next season I be able to start on time to grow things

Been lovely weather we got a new cherry tree and an apple and some lavender for the garden might get a pear and a damson then that should be all that we need for the garden hopefully.

We had another couple of nice days so we planted an apple tree and a cheery tree and the kind digger man also dug out our fish pond and the soil went into my long planter so I can start sowing in it now

Already for me to plant into now looking forward to planning what to plant into now

Pond in the making


 Well started planting and sowing welsh onion wild garlic and 2 rows of spring onion Arrow and Evergreen ones never done them before  think I left enough room for some more garlic hard neck when it comes and some leeks  once I sown them


My daffodils have arrived 60 in all lovely mixture will look lovely in spring not sure were to plant in pots or the ground as my ground is very hard to plant in


It’s been raining a lot here so not much gardening has been done lately still no sign of my rosemary seedling s have come up so might have to buy some young plugs maybe?

The other day my butterfly bush  came up though the ground which I planted last year thinking it would not came through as it was so small so this year got another one and remembered to potted this one on so will planting it out soon

ready for next spring  got rosemary in there but no sign of germination 

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