
Saturday, 18 July 2020

Whats been happening in the garden this week

Today I sowed some seeds and potted on 4 tomatoes 2 stripy and 2 beefstakes
Another lovely day
I have sowed some Swede (best of all)
And Leek (Autumn Mammoth 2)
Completely out of compost apart from in the wormery bad design as you can not get to the

bottom of as you can see the tap needs mending at the bottom of it hopeful get that fixed soon.

The next I sowed some asparagus peas with the same amount of soil I found wanting to do something when its so hot at present outside

It been raining for 2 days now I picked some rhubarb  
But have not done anything with it as yet so keeping it in the fridge or might freeze it  best way to do it is lay parchment paper on baking tray and cut into small bits then open freeze for a couple of hours  then place in container or freezer bags
My Rhubarb

A neighbour gave me some of their rabbit bedding this morning for my compost pile I am slowly making

We had a lovely day yesterday David kindly made me planting holes with a bit of long wood round and a mallet and we were able to plant my 7 dahlia Dwarf double mix  and 3 pumpkins  never grown them before  so looking forward to seeing them fruit  
Still looking out for 3 or 4 pallets to make a nice square compost bin so must water the green bin I am using at present.
Re potted my Sugar snap peas and staked them along with my broad beans
I scatted some butterfly and bee mixture around as well yesterday
Got some lettuce to put into bigger pots today and might bring the mustard and cress indoors into the kitchen then can use it for sandwiches and things like that
The sun is out this morning which is good  I repotted my spider plants this morning and made one new one  and one has a baby on it with is nice had a new flower come out I believe it’s an iris  in blue
We have a pink and white rose coming out as well

I have put straw round my strawberries and sowed some pink poppies as well into a round container and David found me some mint with roots on so planted that now  

I planted ten plants minus the label so do not know what they are we had a thunderstorm yesterday morning and have another 8 to plant  
Hoping to make some sort of compost bin soon running out of containers to use as my last 2 are full all ready
We had lots of lovely flowers coming over this couple of weeks including some red poppies that have come up

Well this morning David kindly moved my worm bin and we emptied it and clean it out and the harvest went to start filling the big planter David made a couple of months a go

 ready to fill up again yes did save some worms to go back into the worm bin
 this is the new home for the bin and will try and only fill half full from now on it be a lot easier and put new straw in the bottom then added some new items  in and left the drain hole open so it dose not get blocked

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