
Sunday, 29 September 2019

What’s been happening in the gardens this week

I have just looked at my strawberries that I tried to grow from seed but have died  never mind  might try again soon will look to see if my 3 plants have any runners on normal I cut them off for the first year to give the roots time to get stronger.
I finished filling the other Grow trug yesterday big toms and herbs and salad leaves and carrots see if any germinate the seeds that I sowed I mean.
Salad leaves (Fancy Summer Mix)
Carrot (Paris Market 5 Atlas
Nasturtium (Jewel Mixed )
 Went for a drive yesterday and came back with a mag with 10 seed packets on it here is what I got
Lettuce (Arctic King)
Herb  (Coriander)
Carrot (Early Nantes2)
Broccoli (Autumn Calabrese)
Cauliflower (All the Year Round)
Beetroot (Moneta)
Swiss Chard (Bright Lights)
Onion (Red Baron)
Courgette (All Green Bush)
Parsnip (White Gem)
I have a new bug hotel to put up when it not raining will see in video when I make it and it should be up in the garden by then and we have a small solar pond with a little frog spitting water out

Well I finished planting the daff bulbs the other day
Some in the ground and one in a planter which I put by our outdoor table where we sit with our coffee’s and odd snack.

Been raining a lot this last couple of weeks hence no gardening as David dose not like me out in the rain I planted or sowed my garlic in to a pot  and named it Tesco garlic and its large was surprised how many cloves it had in it

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