
Monday, 12 August 2019

What’s been happening in the gardens this week

Damp start for today grey skies meant to be raining until midday so the weather folk say then will brighten up so might get the dogs out for a bit then

Radish French Breakfast is up this morning
Little Gem lettuce is a bit leggy but will re pot soon just keep turning them until I can pot them on
Please to see how the sugar snaps and green shaft peas are getting on slowly climbing up them up the fence
It’s a nice day to day so might try and get the lettuce planted and the radish all being well

Went for a nice drive yesterday afternoon and come back with some lovely plants
2xL illum (Golden Splendour)
2x Potentilla (Jean Jabber)
2x Fuchsia (Coralle)
2x Echinops (Blue Globe)
2xGeum (Lady Stratheden)
1 Lychnis (Coronarius)
1 Campanula x Vanhouttei

Well it’s a damp start today so not a lot happen out side got some peas and sugar snaps to pick and harvest still got my spuds to harvest soon 

Thursday we were given some Aloe plants and some pups which can be grown inside or outside but must bring inside before the first frost and need to get some cactus feed and soil for when you need to re pot

 We went for a drive to a New Garden Centre call
THREAPLANDS very nice inside and outside food was nice and helpful staff that help load your car with all your goodies you brought
All perennial plants
One wooden wind chime
Bee bombs for the wildlife area 21 in all to send flying around our area

Geranium (Rozanne)
Iresine (Cherry)
Begonia (F1 Illumination Lemon)
Crocosmia (Lucifer)
Illumination (Trailing Begonia Scarlet)
Verbena (Santos Purple)
Scabiosa (Japonica Blue Note)
Bergenia (Overture)
And 3 planters with mixed plants in already

So, it nice knowing that I have 2 good garden centre’s near me that I can choose to go to.

I have treated myself to some bamboo and tricolour Butterfly bush that I am waiting  for bamboo arrived this morning along with 2 veg trugs witch are not making up right at present.

After 2 days of rain and storms and lighting I been wise and kept my computer off so just light drizzle this morning so catching up.
We added some more blue stone to the circle and add some colour lights that change colour during the night.
We were donated 2 stumps which we put in the wildlife area were all the nice wildflowers will grow and help the insect’s pollinators and things
I am just waiting for one more plant to arrive my tricolour butterfly bush then I be planting my bamboo plants tree peony blue poppy into the garden
Our gold stones arrived yesterday so we put them round our circle looking good just got to move the weeds

 Yesterday we went to blow the cobwebs away and went to our nearest garden centre called Christies
We brought redcurrant (JVT)
 Thornless Loganberry bush
Tradescantia (Isis)
Wildlife Attracting (Garden Varieties mixed)
California Poppy (single mixed)
Poppy (Paeony Black)
Poppy (Ladybird)
Buddleia (Mixed Davidii)
Radish f1 HYBRID MIX (Bluemoon and Redmoon)
Basil (Sweet Green)
Basil (Crimson King)
 Wild Rocket (Wasabi)
Lettuce (Salad Bowl)

So, a lot has been going on still got my other grow trug to fill maybe with tomato’s or pepper’s plant’s
Or  strawberries enjoy your week

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